

Verdict of Borey Keila Land Dispute

Friday, September 4, 2009

Written by DAP NEWS
Friday, 04 September 2009

Phnom Penh Municipal Court on Thursday ruled a dispute over the ownership of a valuable area of real estate between two well-connected Cambodians.

Suy Sophan denied selling some flats and land—a block Borey Keila —for US$4.9 million, but Siv Kong Triv claimed she sold it to him, a court official said.

Kong Triv filed a lawsuit to Phnom Penh Municipal Court to protect what he claims is his asset, saying that Sophan sold the real estate to him, though she plans to rent or sell it to someone else.

Phnom Penh Municipal Court Judge Chey Sovann announced the real estate would be awarded to Kong Triv because Suy Sophan had sold the real estate to him on December 05, 2007, the officer stressed. “To the protests of Sophan, the court did not agree,” the court official added.

Kong Triv apparently heard Sophan would sell to the real estate to another customer so he decided to file a case at court.

Suy Sophan asked DAP News Cambodia not t publish details of the story.

DAP News Cambodia could not contact Chey Sovann of the Phnom Penh Municipal Court. A court clerk claimed to have no knowledge of the case.

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