

Cambodia, JICA Plans Sustainable Development for Coast

Friday, September 4, 2009

Written by DAP NEWS
Friday, 04 September 2009

The Cambodian Government and the Japan International of Cooperation Agency (JICA) will cooperate to develop the beaches of the southern coast, according a Government official said on Thursday.

Minister of Land Management, Urban Planning, and Construction Im Chhun Lim said on September 3 that the PM asked his ministry to join with JICA to make a plan to develop beach areas in four provinces Kampot (including Kep), Koh Kong and Preah Sihanouk provinces to ensure sustainable development.

“JICA wants to enhance some sectors as social activities, develop areas, reduce poverty and build capacity.” JICA will provide loans to develop some beach areas, especially in the already popular Preah Sihanouk region, he said. “Each of four provinces should have a master plan to improve the town by the determination to develop till 2030 the agricultural sector, manufacturing, tourism, a protected environment, infrastructure and natural resources.”

JICA representative in Cambodia Suzuki Yafujiro said that “JICA is a key supporter for this project to many developments´ sectors, to improve sustainability in Cambodia and to enhance the economy.”

“Preah Sihanouk province is the best for the project,” Yafujiro stressed.

He said that Preah Sihanouk International Port, the only deepwater port in Cambodia able to handle large vessels, will be improved by ODA of Japan to insure efficient porcessiing of imports and exports.

“Preah Sihanouk is both a manufacturing city and an attractive destination for of international foreigners to visit because it is close to the Vietnam border and can be reached from Siem Reap,” he stressed.

Cambodian Preah Sihanouk provincial governor Sboung Sarath told DAP News Cambodia that, “I am not sure for this project yet.”

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