

Cambodia Still Keeps Using its Own Resources with A/H1N1 Curbing

Friday, September 4, 2009

Written by DAP NEWS
Friday, 04 September 2009

Cambodian Health Ministry officials on Thursday confirmed that the Cambodian Government is still using its own and other related agencies’ resources. The confirmation comes after rumors that the Camb-odian Government has officially requested US$2 million from the World Bank (WB) to buy vaccine to help curb the spread of A/H1N1 in Cambodia.

“So far, we have not had an official request to any agency to add more resources in order to curb A/H1N1, commonly known as swine flu, spreading in Cambodia,” Morm Bun Heng told DAP News Cambodia on Thursday.

“We still use our existing resources from our government and some other related agencies,” he added.

Sok Touch, director of the Health Ministry’s Department of Disease and Communicable Control, also confirmed that the ministry is still using only its existing resources.

“We have not had a request to ask to add more resource to buy vaccine at all … we only focus on A/H1N1 protection,” he said.

The official confirmed that the ministry is currently implementing protection measures to avoid the spread of A/H1N1. The Singaporean Government on Tuesday donated a third scanner to Cambodia’s Health Ministry in order to curb the spread of A/H1N1, commonly called swine flu.

This is the third scanner that the Singaporean Government has provided to the Cambodian Health Ministry, Sok Touch told DAP News Cambodia on Monday.

According to the official, the number of A/H1N1 infections currently stands at 31 cases.

Cambodia began scanning passengers for fever at its two international airports on April 28, 2009 to stem the spread of swine flu. Staff at Phnom Penh and Siem Reap airports began screening passengers with thermal-imaging equipment then.

The onset of Cambodia’s cool season, rather optimistically termed a ‘winter’ by many locals, has prompted the Health Ministry to ramp up measures to prevent the spread of A/H1N1, a Health Ministry official told DAP News Cambodia on Friday.

Cambodia’s Health Ministry and the World Health Organization issued a statement on June 24, 2009 to document the kingdom’s first case.

The first infected person was a 16-year-old US citizen visiting Cambodia as part of a student group, arrived in Phnom Penh on June 19. She developed symptoms the following days.

The Cambodian Ministry of Health, in cooperation with World Health Organization (WHO), is striving to control the A/H1N1 situation, working to curb the spread of the virus and keeping the public well informed with updates.

Cambodia is the latest nation to be hit by A/H1N1 virus epidemic, after neighboring Thailand, Vietnam and Laos all confirmed cases.

The ministry again called on the public to practice good personal hygiene at all times to prevent the spread of Influenza A/H1N1.

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