

Eight Cambodians missing, suspected murdered by Thai soldiers

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Cambodian villagers cross to work illegally in Thailand everyday.

Reported by Khmerization

Eight Cambodian villagers went missing while they went to cut trees near the borders with Thailand, reports Deum Ampil newspaper.

Deum Ampil reports that on 21st April, eight Cambodians went to cut trees in the areas located on the borderlines with Thailand in Tropeang Prasath of Ouddor Meanchey province. They have disappeared and failed to return.

Among the eight missing, one was credibly suspected to be shot dead by Thai border guards and the other seven were also suspected to be killed by Thai border guards.

The eight villagers went missing when they entered Chup Roun Point located on the borderlines with Thailand to cut the trees there, reports Deum Ampil..... Read the rest of the article here.

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