

Cambodia supports Russia to win ASEM candidacy

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

April 22, 2009
Source: Xinhua

Cambodia on Wednesday vowed to make efforts to help Russia join the upcoming Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM).

"Cambodia will support Russia to win candidacy to attend ASEM, as we have been playing the role of co-coordinator for ASEM," Kuy Kong, spokesman and under secretary of state at Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, told reporters.
Kuy Kong made these remarks right after Hor Nam Hong, deputy prime minister and minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, met with Russian Ambassador Valery Y. Tereshchenko, who will finish his term in Cambodia soon.

Hor Nam Hong also invited Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to visit Cambodia at suitable time, he added.

Meanwhile, Kuy Kong stressed that Cambodia and Russia have enjoyed fundamental relationship during the past years and will support each other at the international stage in the future.

Cambodia established diplomatic relations with Russia in 1993.

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