

Cambodia's Youngest Writer

Friday, October 23, 2009


by Buth Reaksmey Kongkea, The Cambodia Weekly

15-21 February 2009 (Phnom Penh) - Noun Pichsoudeny, 18, is one of the University of Cambodia’s Samdech Techo Hun Sen “Vision 100”scholarship students and has spent time to provide an interview to the Cambodia Weekly on February 11.

The youngest novel writer in Cambodia was born in 1989 in Pailin and has one sister and one brother. She is now studying Economics at the University of Cambodia (UC).

Pichsoudeny is well-known as the youngest student writer in the Kingdom of Cambodia after her four novels were published and bought by many readers. The books continue to be sold at book shops throughout the country.

“I have read Khmer novels, short stories and magazines since I was 7 years old. I have probably read over three 300 books so far,” she said.

Pichsoudeny continued that from 2006 until 2008, she had written a total of six novels four of which have been published and a further two novels awaiting publication.

“I was able to write novels and other short stories since grade six at Primary School in Pailin because I learned my basic skills from veteran Khmer writers,” she said, her smiles indicative of happy reading memories.

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Chanphal said...

Oh, I know her! Hello, Dany!

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