

Pair of border gates between Vietnam and Cambodia open to traffic

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Ministries of Transport from Vietnam and Cambodia held a ceremony on September 30 to open the border gates between Xa Mat in Vietnam’s Tay Ninh province and TrapeangPlong in Cambodia’s KamPongCham province.

The Xa Mat-TrapeangPlong border gates are only the second pair of its kind in Tay Ninh province after the Moc Bai-Ba Vet border gates were opened on September 30, 2006.
The opening of seven pairs of border gates has accelerated both trade, transport and tourism services between the two countries.
The trade turnover of both countries has increased annually by 40 percent on average. Vietnam and Cambodia are striving to raise two-way trade turnover to US$2 billion per year by 2010.

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