

Duch’s trial: one week in pictures

Monday, September 7, 2009

Kambol (Phnom Penh, Cambodia). 31/08/2009: Civil parties organised a press conference in front of the court building to announce their boycott of the hearings, following the limitations they were imposed by the ECCC
©John Vink/Magnum


By John Vink / Magnum

Exceptionally, Ka-set was unable last week to publish its daily report on the hearings in Duch’s trial for reasons beyond our control. Please accept our apologies. These reports will be published at a later date on Ka-set’s website. But for now, please enjoy a selection of captured moments from the August 31st to September 2nd week with these photographs by John Vink.

Monday August 31st
Phnom Penh (Cambodia). 31/08/2009: Civil party identifying her brothers at Tuol Sleng
©John Vink/ Magnum

Phnom Penh (Cambodia). 31/08/2009: Emotional prayer by civil parties at Tuol Sleng
©John Vink/ Magnum

Tuesday 1st September

Kambol (Phnom Penh, Cambodia). 01/09/2009: Screen in the ECCC media room on Day 68 in the trial of Kaing Guek Eav, alias Duch
©John Vink/ Magnum

Kambol (Phnom Penh, Cambodia). 01/09/2009: The accused Duch on Day 68 of his trial, listening to psychiatric experts
©John Vink/ Magnum

Kambol (Phnom Penh, Cambodia). 01/09/2009: Alain Werner, civil party lawyer during a recess. The seats of 28 civil parties remained empty.
©John Vink/ Magnum

Wednesday 2nd September

Kambol (Phnom Penh, Cambodia). 02/09/2009: Day 69 in Duch’s trial at the ECCC
©John Vink/ Magnum

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