

24 garment workers passed out

Thursday, September 3, 2009

(Photo: DAP news)

Friday, September 04, 2009
Translated from Khmer by Socheata

24 out of the 1,4000 workers at the Golden Mile factory passed out one after another at 2PM on 03 September, and they had to be taken to the hospital emergency. The Golden Mile factory is located along National Road No. 5, in Spean Khpous village, Kilometre 6 commune, Russei Keo district. According to the local authority, these workers passed out during work while others threw up. Immediately after the incident, the factory administration sent the passed out workers to the hospital. The official indicated that the cause of the passing out of the Golden Mile factory workers is not different from the poisoning case at the Morea Garment Corp. factory: the workers that passed out have weak health and they breathed in the chemical smell from the fabric in an area of the factory where is there is no sufficient ventilation.

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