

Nigerian gov't orders security beefed up at nation's airports

Friday, August 28, 2009

LAGOS, Aug. 28 (Xinhua) -- The Nigerian federal government has ordered that security be beefed up at major airports across the country, in view of reported incessant kidnappings in some states, the Nigerian Tribune newspaper reported on Friday.

Security has been tightened at the international airports while the number of entrances and exits of the airports has been reduced, the report said.

Police and security officials of the Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria (FAAN) now were in the few gates to prevent undesirable elements from gaining the access to the international airports, it added.

A competent security source said the decision was taken on behalf of the government by FAAN to avoid any untoward development.

The source said the government's decision to tighten security at the airports was a preemptive measure, adding that the directive had nothing to do with the recent religious crisis but just a measure to forestall any attack.

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