

Dollar trades in upper 94 yen range in Tokyo

Monday, August 24, 2009

TOKYO, Aug. 24 (Xinhua) -- The U.S. dollar traded in the upper 94 yen range early Monday in Tokyo, up from its levels Friday in New York.

At 9 a.m., the dollar fetched 94.57-62 yen compared with Friday's 5 p.m. quotes of 94.35-45 yen in New York and 93.90-93 yen in Tokyo.

The euro traded at 1.4337-4342 dollars and 135.63-68 yen against late Friday's quotes of 1.4322-4332 dollars and 135.20-30 yen in New York and 1.4295-4298 dollars and 134.26-30 yen in Tokyo.

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