

Cooperative agreement for Thai-Cambodian border

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Friday, August 21, 2009
Pattaya People (Thailand)

Will work together on many issues

On Thursday morning, Lieutenant General Kanit Sapitak, the Commander-in-chief, of Region 1, along with Lieutenant General Boonseng, the Commander of military Region 5 of Cambodia, chaired the opening ceremony of the agreement to develop the cooperation between Thai-Cambodian borders. The event was held on August 20-21, 2009 at Cozy beach hotel in Pattaya. The agreement is for the two countries to cooperate on many issues, under the supervision of a regional border committee, including: 1. Maintaining a peaceful border 2. Suppressing illegal narcotics, 3. Preventing vehicle theft, 4. Stopping the human trade and street kids problems, and 5. Reducing illegal alien workers.

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