

Preah Vihear: UNESCO is concerned

Monday, April 6, 2009

04 April 2009
By Maxime Revol
Cambodge Soir Hebdo
Translated from French by Luc Sâr

Click here to read the article in French

The national UNESCO commission in Cambodia wrote a letter to its international headquarters to draw its attention on the major damage risks on Preah Vihear temple resulting from the recent clash that took place in this zone.

While the UNESCO indicated that several of its experts are on the spot in Preah Vihear these last few days, it also said that the situation is strongly degrading in the region. Following the clash on 02 April, and the ensuing escalation, UNESCO said that it is extremely concerned by the security of the temple. According to its communiqué, Thai soldiers have burnt a section of the market located at the bottom of the staircase leading to the temple. Shootings have damaged this portion of the site, as well as buildings belonging to Preah Vihear National Authority, located a dozen of meters away from the temple.

The Cambodian branch of UNESCO launched an urgent appeal to its headquarters, trying to push it to intervene officially. Such an intervention is deemed decisive and necessary for the safekeeping of this exceptional site.

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